How to enable hidden Files
We know that many virus is running by the internet connection,it can be dangerous virus or a damn litle virus.But,two kind of virus was exactly dangerous for our windows operating system,So...,How to solved it??
Firstly,You have to enable your hidden file option(on the windows task bar)tool-folder option-view-Hidden files and folder then unmark HIDDEN EXTENSIONS FOR KNOWN FIE TYPES-unmark HIDE PROTECTED OPERATING SYSTEM FILES)If it can't done you may try ANSAV antivirus(you can download it in the antivirus Download bellow),how to use it??
Enable show hidden files by Ansav Antivirus
Run Ansav ,then Klick Plugin - Hidden Revealer-select target to be reveal-then klick start.After the process finish,check it out,Your Hidden system file will be appear.
Show Hidden Files
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Remove Autorun Virus
How to remove Autorun virus
What's that,Body?I think you're all know about this,isn't it?If we have a removable disk(USB Flasdisk,Memory Card) a problem will be appear,sometimes maybe.Try to plug your Removable disk to your Computer,if ijavascript:void(0)n the autoplay dialog appear "Run The Program" DON"T TRY to Klick OK,but Klicks Cancel,Because if you klick OK,the VIRUS from inside of The removable disk will Run automaticly,believe me people.If the kind of virus is a litle Damn Virus,it will be Ok,but if it's a Dangerous Virus you can be stress,Your computer may can restart ASAP.
How to Kill it???
Ok Body,just straight to the topic now.After you cancel the autoply your removable disk,klick your Computer,then in the task bar klick TOOL-FOLDER OPTION-VIEW.then in the box HIDDEN files and Folder Choose SHOW HIDDEN FILES AND FOLDER.then UNMARK hide extensions for unknown file types and then UNMARK hide protected operating system files. Then Klick OK.
The last important is change your removable Disk name.then open it up by using right klick on your mouse(Explore).Then after opening your removable disk,you can see
the autorun files and .....exe files,just deleted both of files,then closed your removable disk.safely your removable disk,unplug it,then plug it again,I am sure in the autoplay dialog won't appear Run the Program.
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Remove Virus
Our Solutions
Many Big Antivirus Company launch Antivus programs such as McAfee,Nod32,Kaspersky,Avast,Norton and etc.But is it enough to protect or Computer programs from Virus???You may answer it yourself.
We should know that each Antivirus may have a weakness,yes it’s true.
For example A antivirus can Kill Brontoks Virus,but it may can’t Kill others virus.From this case we know that Our Computers is still danger,so how to Resolved it????
Virus make our program be slow and sometimes our progams couldn’t Run.
We better check our programs who runnings.Check it out by TASK MANAGER.You can see all programs Run by our operating system.Check your start up on your operating system by klick RUN – Type msconfig,in the
Startup you can disabled your unwanted programs may contain Virus such as CKVO,MKAVO etc.Always update your Antivirus Software ,and don’t try to use 2 or more Antivirus software,One Antivirus Software is enough or your Operating system will be more slow.
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