Optimasi Games Online

Written by computers on Friday, November 26, 2010 at 00:27

optimasi point blank di Mikrotik

Pertama setting di firewall

/ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-connection chain=forward comment="Trafik Mark" disabled=no new-connection-mark=all_con passthrough=yes src-address=
add action=mark-connection chain=forward comment="" connection-mark=all_con disabled=no dst-port=39190-49100 new-connection-mark=pb-con passthrough=yes protocol=tcp src-address=
add action=mark-connection chain=forward comment="" connection-mark=all_con disabled=no dst-port=39190-49100 new-connection-mark=pb-con passthrough=yes protocol=udp src-address=
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" connection-mark=pb-con disabled=no new-packet-mark=point-blank passthrough=no
add action=mark-packet chain=forward comment="" disabled=no new-packet-mark=all_packet passthrough=no

trus setting di Queqe tree

/queue tree
add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=0 max-limit=768k name="Download" parent=ether2 priority=8
add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=0 max-limit=0 name=HTTP packet-mark=all_packet parent="Download" priority=8 queue=default
add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no limit-at=0 max-limit=0 name="Point Blank" packet-mark=point-blank parent="Download" priority=7 queue=default

semoga bisa berguna
maaf kalau masih salah,mohon untuk dikoreksi

Load Balancing Mikrotik

Written by computers on Wednesday, November 03, 2010 at 02:37

Simple Load Balancing Mikrotik

Loadbalancer mikrotik harus ada 3 Lancard, jika menggunakan RB750 malah lebih simple. Mungil, OS MK Versi 3.29, ada 5 port LAN, upss.. pokok e mak nyuss…. Jika mnggunakan PC ya harus 3 Lancard.

Ok, konfigurasi nya tidaklah terlalu sulit. Jika sudah running MK anda tinggal tambahkan 1 Lancard lagi.


Jika anda berlangganan 2 ISP yang berbeda maka loadbalancing lah yang perlu kita lakukan, artinya kita menggabungkan 2 bandwiith yang berbeda tersebut dan di kluarkan menjadi 1 bandwith ke client.

IP eth1 isp1

iP eth2 ip2

ip eth3 ip local ke client

misal nya :

ip eth1 = gateway

ip eth2 = gateway

ip eth3=

skenario nya adalah ISP_2 dijadikan internet utama, Setelah mengkonfigurasi ip dan gateway, langkah selanjutnya adalah masuk winbox, klik menu ip routes, kmudian dobel klik gateway ( kemudian klik panah kecil kebawah, isikan ip gateway sehingga akan ada 2 ip gateway disana, selanjutnya klik apply, OK.

Berikutnya liat di menu ip firewall NAT, nah disitu ip pada ether2 yang sudah di nat di kopi paste, kmudian arahkan paste tersebut ke ether1, sehingga kedua ip ether1 dan ether2 di masing-masing di NAT.

Langkah berikutnya ke menu queue tree, settinglah untuk download ke ip ether3 (ip lokal) dan untuk upload ke ip ether1.

selamat mencoba

Mikrotik Download

Written by computers on Friday, September 24, 2010 at 02:09

Mikrotik Download

Mikrotik is a part of Linux OS,many people use it for server so the internet connection will be more fast and we can manage our network connection.

if you wanna try to use it,you must be carefull or you will be sick...,he he he
I mean it's so dificult thing,but you may try,try and try again.
good luck....

Install Mikrotik

Written by computers on at 01:31

Install Mikrotik

How to install Mikrotik as Server??Let's try to learn together,OK ???

firstly,we have to looking for 1 unit of cpu,it can be Pentium III or Pentium IV with 2 Lancard.
insert Mikrotik CD to the cdroom,Setting boot to CDROOM,choose a for all services what your choices,then press i to install it,then follow the steps untill press ENTER to reboot your pc,You have to remove your Mikrotik CD from CDROOM.

Configuration Mikrotik

Login Mikrotik
user : admin
pass : admin

Firstly ,type /interface print to overview you lan card
type /setup
choose ip address then you make an ip address for your local network
for example
secondly ,setting your DNS IP: IP-DNS-Setting
third ,Setting Your DHCP Server
IP-DHCP Server
Klick Setup then Next-Next ,untill successfully

Fourth ,Setting Your firewall
IP-Firewall then choose Nat
Klick +(Plus)
choose srcnat,action masquerade

and the last setting is make your dial up Modem
Klick ppp-choose PPOE Client then you have to insert you username of Speedy the the password too.

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